In this section, you can find information regarding the following applications of EnviroStart products. These are all case studies showing both the application and also the energy saving results that have been obtained. We are collecting data on an ongoing basis and if none of the above are specific enough for your needs then please contact us and we will be able to provide you with information relevant to you. In this please contact us by using the contact-us page or by e-mailing by clicking here.
If you are using EnviroStart units and have data that you would like to share then please feel free to send it through to us by clicking here. We would be happy to receive it and would be willing to post it on our site with appropriate references to your company.
Reports and Testimonials
Specific reports and testimonials applicable to the applications are available from the linked pages above.
General Reports and Evaluations of EnviroStart Products
There have been a number of academic investigations into the efficiency and effectiveness of the EnviroStart motor energy control. The following, though not recent is by far the most complete and detailed and does show exactly what you can expect from using EnviroStart within a motor control application.
University of Brisbane Evaluation 2002